An interesting idea...too bad that so much of the episode seems overly familiar.
13 November 2014
Much of "Unnatural Selection" is quite good. It's sad, then, that the show starts off with a serious deficit because so much of the show seems like a remake of one of the original "Star Trek" shows, "The Deadly Years".

The Enterprise receives a distress signal from a Federation ship. But, by the time they arrive to help, the entire crew is dead-- killed by some disease that turned young and healthy people into old folks who died from 'natural causes' due to age. This certainly isn't good but is worse because it looks identical to the earlier show (and I hate repetition).

Fortunately, what follows is still an interesting episode. HOW the virus occurred and how they come up with a solution is all very fascinating. My only other complaint, though, is that the scientists at the Gagarin Station seemed amazingly stupid and unscientific in their thinking...and this didn't make a lot of sense. Flawed but worth seeing.
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