The Invisibles (2008– )
TOO really had potential....but..............................
13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
WHAT A SHAME!!!!!!!!!! Pretty good plots......fairly good acting and enough humour to make it worth a chuckle from time to time but unfortunately, as happens too often in a good idea looking to get cute.....the go WAY overboard on the unlikely situations and not willing to stop with a finger in the stupid pie, they dive right in...head first and unlikely becomes improbable which becomes unbelievable which becomes impossible and finally lands with a huge PLOP ...right on un-entertaining. Just to give a quick but fairly typical example..the 3 of them are robbing a safe at the head of a bed with the husband and wife in the bed....they physically DRAG the mattress out of the way so they can more easily crack the headboard safe and when things go a little wrong have a full-voiced argument about who's fault it was....or 1 minute later after they miraculously escape the house and 2 guard dogs, one of the trio gets a cell phone call and spends 2 minutes talking to his girlfriend. Now it WAS funny.....the first time but like all lame and lazy writing, once a laugh...then milk it till it cries. This is so sad because it has all the elements to be a great too much of 1 spice in the soup....great moves to crap VERY quickly.
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