Review of Policeman

Policeman (2011)
unique story, poor performance
13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's a unique story, but there are a few problems with this movie. The policemen's characters are very shallow. I lived in Israel and met many policemen, including ones in special units and I don't recall anyone acting like this. I have personally met Yiftach, the lead actor (many years ago), he's arrogant and it doesn't surprise me that he wouldn't be able to portray well the character of this policeman.(aside from the acting, he still looks good).

Also the script-writer messed up.

1. These rebellious young people should not have been meeting in the parent's luxurious apartment.

2. Why did they shoot the photographer? (he is struggling financially like them)

3. The main character didn't seem to be struggling that much and why is he hugging everyone all the time? This is not an Indian soap opera.
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