Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Enemy (1989)
Season 3, Episode 7
The crew gets a surprise visit from the Romulans.
16 November 2014
An away team consisting of Riker, Worf and LaForge land on a really crappy planet, Galorndon Core. However, they are surprised when they find an injured Romulan in this stormy place. When it's time to return with this injured enemy to the beam-out point, LaForge is left behind---and they cannot locate him on this hellish place and there is too much atmospheric disturbance to allow their super-high tech instruments to find him. Can they find LaForge AND why was there a Romulan here in Federation space...and are there more?!

What follows is a plot strongly inspired by films like "The Defiant Ones". In other words, LaForge meets up with ANOTHER Romulan in the storm and BOTH need to work together to survive. Not surprisingly, their relationship is rocky and trust is a major problem--but there is no other way to make it off this awful planet.

This episode was good for many reasons. First, it wasn't stuck on the Enterprise. Second, it had the Romulans--and that is always a plus! Third, it's well written and interesting throughout. The only negative is that the plot involving cooperation between LaForge and the Romulan is not exactly novel.

For fans of "Babylon 5", this is a nice chance to see Andreas Katsulas ("G'Kar") in a different sci-fi series. Here, he plays Romulan Commander Tomalak--the first of several times. And, incidentally, he also played a character on the last Star Trek series, "Star Trek: Enterprise".
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