This episode helps to establish the completely inexplicable return of Tasha Yar.
16 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
At about the end of the first season, Denise Crosby requested she be written off the show, as her part was VERY limited. I would certainly agree, as her role consisted of saying "yes, Captain", being angry or talking about the rape gangs on her home planet. Otherwise, she was a non-entity. Now, for some odd reason, she's back. I have no idea whose idea it was, but following this return, she'd be back for future episodes as well--something which never worked for me.

The Enterprise inexplicably meets a previous version of the Enterprise in space. Somehow, the old version C was transported 22 years in the future. But this isn't the only change, as apparently this time shift also completely changed the timeline--resulting in Lt. Yar being alive and well on the Enterprise D as well as a long and super-bloody war between the Klingons. 40,000,000,000 lives have been lost in this horrific fight and it's lasted since about the time the Enterprise C disappeared. In fact, they eventually come to realize that if they can send that ship back, then the timeline will change and perhaps the war will never occur at all. Oddly, Guinan realizes that there is a problem and the old Enterprise must go back--but many of the other crew members want the ship to stay and help in the hopeless fight against the Klingons.

While the episode is a very interesting what if sort of show, it also re- introduces Yar. She's actually fine here--but her eventual return as a Romulan (?!) made no sense at all and seemed contrived as well as a low- point for the series. I just wish in hindsight that they'd given Ms. Crosby better material from the start, as this weird, abortive return just felt strange and a bit silly.
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