Neverlake (2013)
Surprising twists, fair acting and a fair plot
17 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film does have a few head scratchers, like how the children are being kept and operated on without anyone knowing and how one of them is surviving without a heart.

The children come across as a little creepy at first, but you realise that there's more to them and the really sinister people are some others.

Daisy Keeping is an amazing actress, and not to mention very easy on the eye too! Her portrayal of Jenny as someone who wants to reconnect with her biological father is quite touching, which makes it worse when you find out the real agenda. Still, Jenny is a fighter and doesn't just roll over and meekly accept things. The only possible criticism of Daisy is that her character speaks with a clear (and lovely) Welsh accent, but is supposed to be American. I don't see how that works, nevertheless, everything else about her is great.

The film is suspenseful, but you know from the outset that something is not right about two characters: a father who invites his daughter to live with him but keeps shunning her (for a very sinister agenda), and a stepmother who has an unhealthy obsession with feeding Jenny vitamins and supplements.

I was shocked as to the real twist, though I was surprised that Jenny wasn't told honestly from the beginning. The film does end abruptly, but I hope there is a sequel of some sort.

Clearly, Daisy Keeping has talent and I would love to see more of her (Welsh accent or not!).
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