Surprisingly good
16 November 2014
I received a screener of this film to review and was pleasantly surprised. The story revolves around the Laughing Mask Killer and Jake Johnson's plotting revenge against the killer.

The first act is really slow to be honest, after The Laughing Mask's initial appearance we get a lot of back and forth between Jake and Kate (Sheyenne Rivers), I didn't care much for Kate as a character, she was kinda one note, bitchy and the performance ranged from very very good to blah in like 3 seconds.. Jake Johnson was a puzzle, I thought at first that he was boring but as the story progressed we see he is nothing but. I loved how he went from rage to passive in a snap.

The second act things pick up a little bit and it would get spoilery but its really good. Wer'e introduced to a bunch of disposable characters (there just to be killed) so their acting really doesn't hurt the movie a bit. The "pimp" for example was terrible but again, cannon fodder so it worked

3rd act the film takes a huge turn. There's a great twist ending and everyone should absolutely check this one out. Its a great film specially for a indy project. Love the laughing mask character, it was the highlight for me

The bad things are very few. The film is short and runs pretty fast, some of the effects are not fantastic and some of the non main characters acting was not very good, but overall this was a very enjoyable movie.
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