Our Father (III) (2014)
A masterpiece by a masterful director
20 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Every once in a while a film comes along in which the writing, directing and acting is so brilliant that it is hard to get out of your mind. That is how I feel about Linda Palmer's short film "Our Father" based on a true story. A gem of a film that will have you thinking about it long after it has ended.

In one way or another dementia touches everyone's lives. Either you have been or are currently a caregiver to someone who suffers with dementia, or you know someone who is taking care of someone who has dementia.

Sometimes dementia totally changes someone's personality. Where once they were kind, loving and gentle, they are now mean, belligerent and vociferous as their world and memories slowly fade away. Not so with John (Michael Gross) who is the father in "Our Father." John was a bully, racist and wife beater who never cared about his family before he got dementia and true to form John remains a bully, racist and still doesn't care about his family after he has gotten dementia. Well, at least one thing has changed, John is no longer a wife beater, but that is only because he has no wife to beat up. However, John still tries to bully and beat up his son, grandson and daughter-in-law who are only trying to take care of him and give him a place to live. And now John no longer even remembers that he has a son.

But John does have a son, and the unenviable task of being John's caregiver falls on the shoulders of his son Jared, beautifully portrayed by Michael Worth who gives a stunningly superb performance of a dutiful son trying to give love and compassion to a father who has never done anything for his children. Inwardly Jared is being emotionally torn apart by his father's deterioration and hostile rants.

Under Palmer's watchful eye and keen directing the entire cast delivers stellar performances. There is not one false move or one false word in the entire film. Danny (David Topp) is wonderfully moving as Jared's teenage son who calms down his grandfather John, while tenderly helping to bathe him. Kate (Eileen Grubba) is perfect as Jared's loving and supportive wife who refuses to put up with John's hurtfulness. When John says something derogatory to Kate she has no qualms about putting him in his place.

But as magnificent and excellent as the entire cast is, it is Michael Gross who steals the film. In an electrifying and powerful performance that is multifaceted and richly layered Gross delivers a riveting performance as a man trapped in the throes of dementia.

If "Our Father" were a full-length feature film, instead of a short, Michael Gross would be walking down the aisle this award season picking up one award after another for Best Actor and then winning the most coveted award of all, the Oscar for Best Actor. "Our Father" would do for Michael Gross what the "Dallas Buyers Club" did for Matthew McConaughey, make Hollywood finally stand up and take notice. I do not think Hollywood has even scratched the surface of what this talented actor who has a Master of Fine Arts degree from the prestigious Yale University School of Drama is capable of achieving when given the right script. Kudos to director Linda Palmer for casting Gross in "Our Father" and showing us his extraordinary range and depth as an actor.

In this slice of life film which takes place in the bathroom, except for some black and white flashbacks, the camera never lies. Palmer keeps the tension mounting between John and Jared. In one scene John urinates on Jared and that turns out to be the least shocking thing in this raw, emotionally charged film. The tension between father and son intensifies until it all explodes in a few moments of clarity when John blurts out a secret he has kept hidden his entire adult life.

It has been said that the truth will set you free. In "Our Father" Palmer gives us an unflinching look at a man whose whole life was a lie. Linda Palmer has created her magnum opus with "Our Father." It is an artistic masterpiece. If you love good filmmaking with a sensational cast this is a film you are not going to want to miss.
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