Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part Four (1975)
Season 12, Episode 20
Not gold but a decent bronze.
22 November 2014
Cybermen are a favourite of mine and I think they are effectively portrayed in this story albeit quite different to earlier Cybermen. The leader of the Cybermen actually is quite Darth Vader like (this was of course made before Star Wars so it is NOT a copycat).

The story involves The Doctor, Sarah and Harry arriving back on the Space Station Nerva but some considerable time before the time it was used as an 'ark'. The station is hit with deaths of numerous crew and The Doctor tries to help, eventually discovering involvement of Cybermen.

The Cybermen are suitably villainous and decently realised. The aliens native to the 'planet of Gold' are acceptable, if very unexceptional, aliens. The Doctor, Sarah and Harry are great and the other main humans are well portrayed. The story is entertaining and enjoyable. The problem holding this adventure back a bit is an occasional unclear logic in how events and choices progress.

The Vogon costumes and effects may not be amazing but they are OK and the Nerva station is brilliant. It was wise to re-use the excellent sets from The Ark in Space.

My ratings: Episodes 1 & 2 - 8.5/10, Episodes 3 & 4 - 7.5/10.
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