Another abashedly malicious attempt to defame Muslim rulers
24 November 2014
Thank God that general audience has turned away from this wretched plot of some Hollywood producers!

Whilst the movie must be a delight to the people who have animosity towards Muslims (rightly or wrongly) and want to see the whole history in the light of the recent rise of Islamic militancy, for anyone with some insight into the most widely accepted history and common sense this movie has only one aim in its heart; malign the history of the golden age of Muslim rulers.

No one argues how formidable a warrior Mehmet was, but creation of barbaric soldiers by prolonged torturing of captured youths from enemy territories, where the hell did it come from? Perhaps from the concept of creation of Orcs from Elfs in LOTR. And then trying to show the Muslim Turks' torture and training had originally turned young Vlad into "The Impaler", that's utterly disgusting.

In all honesty, I don't see much difference between creators of this type of movies and radical Muslim clerics who preach hate. They just use different media and audience to propagate lies and hatred.

Apart from a few visual effects, the movie is a failure.
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