Review of Blind

Blind (II) (2014)
Norwegian Propanda for Norway
26 November 2014
4 of 10. Outside of studying it for how government propaganda works in film, I see no point to this film. In an attempt to cover its trail, unlike religious propaganda, it doesn't hold back on sex and other societal no-nos. In this film, it all has that poseur feeling.

Some will comment on its complexity, but it's not that complex. It tries to be just as it tries to shock and awe. Unless you have no other way to see fast clips of Internet porn that no one would want to watch other than with drunk/high friends to laugh at, having someone narrate how to interpret it is far from intricate or original art.

I'm sure there are better stories for getting inside a blind person's head. If not, either out of disgust or inspiration, more should pop and from different cultures. Wait for them. Maybe one will have a blind person riding a bike.
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