Feed the Gods (2014)
Low budget horror has a small amount of bigfoot.
26 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with a woman trying to leave somewhere and being told by an armed man she need 3 tickets , 1 for herself and 2 for her small children. She only has two and an older lady says she will take them. Where are they and why the need the tickets is the mystery that is at the heart of the movie.

Flash forward and the children are now men around 30 at their adopted Gran mothers wake.They are given a box containing clues to their parents identity and resolve to find out who they are. The younger brothers girlfriend accompanies them. When they get there they find out it is big foot territory and the older brother then starts a bigfoot search.

As a horror movie it has a very slow start and only got interesting in the last 20 minutes of the 80 run time. The gore effects are stuff you could do at home with blood bags. The bigfoot has so little screen time it is almost an afterthought. The man in a suit has less than 20 seconds screen time and you only see extreme close ups. There is no nudity and a few f-bombs. Its watchable but I wouldn't say actively seek this out.
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