Star Trek: The Next Generation: Frame of Mind (1993)
Season 6, Episode 21
Riker's had better days....
30 November 2014
This is a very trippy episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and is the sort of thing that kind of makes your head hurt...which I like.

It all begins with Riker performing a play aboard the Enterprise. The play is about a man in a mental institution who insists he is not insane...and then instead of the play ending, Riker finds himself in an alien mental institution. The 'doctor' insists that the Enterprise and its crew are Riker's delusions and he's never been in Starfleet! What's happening?!

This episode is like a dream within a dream within a dream--and it's seriously weird. Some folks obviously don't like the show (based on one incredibly scathing review) but I did and it does have an extremely high overall score. Worth seeing and enjoyably paranoid.
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