Review of Chosen

The Twilight Zone: Chosen (2002)
Season 1, Episode 15
Chosen for what?
4 December 2014
****SPOILERS**** Deep in debt and total wreck of a human being bottom feeder, for scraps thrown away in the garbage, Vince Hansen, Jack Busey, despite having a roof over his head, obviously left to him by his parents, has hit rock bottom in his both love and financial lives. It's just then when he's about to do himself in these two strangers Michael & Muriel, Andy Moxham & Kim Hawthorne, show up at his door with a both DVD and message about him being "Chosen" for what they don't tell him. Feeling all this is some kind of joke Vince kicks them both out of his place only to later see them cursing the neighborhood looking for new customers or victims.

It's when Vince's good friend the crippled biker Speed, Nick Turturro, is seen with the pair and invited them into his house, that lit up like a Christmas tree, that he starts to feel something strange is going on. This soon has a number of people in town disappear from sight with the only connection to each other is they were visited by this strange pair, Michael & Muriel, of kooks! With the FBI headed by Special Agent Schultz, Michael Popsa, looking deep into the case of the disappearing townspeople Vince is told to shut up and keep quite about what he knows in the name of national security.

****SPOILERS**** It's later that the truth comes out to this "Chosen" bit that Vince is experiencing and it has to do not only with him & Speed but his girlfriend Lea, Claudette Mink, who broke up with him and now, after being "Chosen", is back and just nuts about Vince! As we and Vince find out is that he missed the bus and now has to face the consequences. The consequences that those "Chosen" who unlike himself, who went along with the deal, were saved from suffering.
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