Review of Mind-Sifter

Star Trek Phase II: Mind-Sifter (2014)
Season 4, Episode 9
Go watch this!
4 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Mind-Sifter" has been a favorite story in fan history, so when Shirley Maiewski "Grandma Trek" gave her blessing to Executive Producer James Cawley to film this story, it was due to be an epic one.

Although Brian Gross has filmed 2 other episodes as James Kirk, this is the first one released and it is an epic. I cannot put into words as to how proud of I am of him making the role his own literally by the time the opening credits rolled.

Brandon Stacy as Spock, felt more like Spock to me than in any other episode he has played him, probably since Brandon has not truly had up this point a spotlight on him. He shines, with the conflict with the human/Vulcan half, but also with the crew which leads me to the new McCoy

Bond... Jeff Bond, breakout performance as McCoy, brought De Kelley to his performance like Karl Urban, but with out the imitation. His scenes with Spock and Jim (back in time were inspired)

Rivkah Raven Wood as Jan Hamlin provided the emotion and soul of the episode, and one of the points I cried during the episode. I hope she stays around New Voyages/Phase II in some role

Clay Sayre rocked it as Kor... I almost thought John Colicos was facing off with William Shatner as Kirk in this episode

The bit players Charles Root (Scott), Jasmine Pierce (Uhura) Wayne W Johnson (Walking Bear), Patrick Cawley (Xon) and Shyaporn Theerakulstit (Sulu) were all great in their roles for the episode.

The VFX, both the Tobias Richter and Daren Dochterman versions were great to have but Pony R Horton should get tons of credit for a lot of the FX shots you didn't notice.

This was an amazing episode and I cannot wait to see more from these guys
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