Contracted (2013)
6 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Geez. Where to start? I guess with a plot summary. Here goes. A woman, in the midst of a breakup with her lesbian lover, gets drunk and drugged at a party and finds herself date- raped by a man who gives her the worst, yet ultimately unexplained, STD in history.

To me, the big question is why I watched it all the way through.

It is incredibly heavy-handed in its safe sex posturing. It's practically an after school special -- with excessive gore. I didn't buy the relationships, but, mostly, I didn't buy the doctor. No doctor would let a woman with those symptoms leave his office the first time without sending her to the ER. On her second visit, the doctor would have locked her in the examination office and waited for the CDC to show up. Also, her mother or her friends would have physically dragged her to the hospital. Also, no restaurant owner would allow a waitress with "pink eye" prepare food or wait tables.

Overall, too, I couldn't help but feel that the writer/director was expressing some deep-seated fear of female sexuality.

Didn't like it.
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