Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Fool for Love (2000)
Season 5, Episode 7
The One With Spike's Past...
6 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. It is one of my all-time favorite episodes of the series, and definitely one of my most loved from Season 5.

In this episode, Buffy gets hurt by a demon and wants to know how all of the Slayer's died. But none of the accounts and records say anything about their final battle. So she goes to the one person she knows, how knows how some of them went down. Spike. Even though she knows Angel, as well. So not really the only person she knows. Let's say, the only in town. He tells her about he killed the Slayers, and it really gets to her. Because he treats it like it was a game. Well, to evil vampires, killing Slayers is a game, a game they really want to win. We see flashbacks, including Angel, Drusilla and Darla. He had killed two Slayers. One in 1900, in China, during the Boxer Rebellion, and the other in 1977, in New York. We also see how he became a vampire. And who he really was before becoming a vampire. He was a poetry writing, sissy pants. And everyone who knew him said that they'd rather have a railroad spike go through their heads, than listen to his poetry. This shows us where he got his name, and why he used to kill his victims like that. So after he tells her and shows her, Buffy gets very upset because he tells her that she must keep her death wish in order for her to survive.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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