"I'd rather be a good man than a good king".
7 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The film overall has it's fair share of holy s**t moments that defy all levels of credibility, even for a comic book/sci-fi/fantasy movie. That whole business about the Aether winding up in Natalie Portman's body was just a little too much to wrap my head around, especially after it was assured that the heroes of Asgard buried it so deeply to avoid detection by the Dark Elves.

Probably the best way to approach this film is to just sit back and get transported between the realms of Earth and Asgard without thinking too much about it. As an actioner there's plenty of it. As a story, there's just too much going on with events seemingly occurring because they were written that way instead of there being a rationale for them. I mean, one minute Thor's hand is cut off and then it's back again - wait a minute, what!? And with the emphasis on the Dark Elves I found a lot of Asgard suspiciously resembling places seen before in Rivendell. If there's going to be a Thor III, maybe a little more thought needs to go into it.
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