Batman: The Animated Series: Heart of Ice (1992)
Season 1, Episode 3
Heart of Ice - My Review
7 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Out of all Batman TAS Episodes written by Paul Dini, I think this is the most well known and praised episode.

It does have some good points. For Example, I thought Animation by Spectrum Animation Studio was absolutely brilliant. I consider this episode as the beginning of Joker in Batman TAS.

Mark Hamill played Ferris Boyle in this episode. After playing Ferris Boyle, Mark Hamill expressed his interest in playing villain roles in Batman TAS. Mark Hamill expressed interest in playing Joker. But they already hired Tim Curry for playing Joker. Later, they decided that they need someone else to play Joker. That's when they remembered Mark Hamill expressing his enthusiasm in playing Joker. So they hired Mark Hamill for Joker and he played Joker throughout Batman TAS.

Aside from the good points mentioned above, I do think it is very overrated. Let me state my reasons why.

I didn't feel sorry for Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries). I can understand that he was trying to save his wife. But Victor Fries was using the money and the equipments of Ferris Boyle and his company for his personal reasons.

Boyle points out how Fries' experiment was an unauthorized experiment. Ferris Boyle also tells Fries how he ordered funding suspended weeks ago. But Fries continued with experiments even after Ferris ordered funding suspended weeks ago. Ferris points out that he is already 3 million in debt thanks to Victor Fries. Ferris points out how Victor Fries was using his money and his equipments for his personal reasons while talking to Bruce Wayne.

It must be noted that Ferris attacks Victor Fries only after Fries takes the gun and points at him. So when Fries pointed the gun at him, Ferris realizes that Victor Fries is now his enemy who can kill him. So he tricks Fries and attacks Fries which drives Victor Fries to become Mr. Freeze.

After becoming Mr. Freeze, Mr. Freeze's inconsiderate mind can also be seen when he abandons one of his henchmen with a frozen leg and moves on with his "personal" plans to destroy Ferris Boyle. Later, Batman saves the henchman.

People will say that Victor Fries lacks feelings after become Mr. Freeze and that's why he refused to save his henchman. But he still has romantic feelings for his wife even after becoming Mr. Freeze.

Because of the reasons mentioned above, I found Mr. Freeze to be a selfish and an uninteresting character.

With me, I consider Mad as a Hatter as Paul Dini's best episode. I rate Heart of Ice as 7 out of 10.
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