Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Alternate (1994)
Season 2, Episode 12
Who's your daddy?
18 December 2014
This episode begins with Dr. Mora Pol arriving on the station. It turns out that he was in charge of working with Odo after he was first discovered*. The Doctor seems a bit of a know it all and insists that Odo shouldn't have gone off on his own--though through the course of the show it clearly appears Odo was right after all. Regardless, the guy is on the station because Bajoran scientists think they've discovered something just like Odo in the Gamma Quadrant and he plans on leading an expedition to retrieve and study this goo. Throughout all this, folks keep referring to Dr. Pol as Odo's 'Dad' though this really makes no sense and Odo clearly resents it. Can Odo and the Doctor somehow work together and forge a more mature relationship while they investigate this seemingly intelligent goo?

This is an okay episode but not especially exciting or outstanding. Mildly interesting but nothing memorable.
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