The Haunting of Sarah Hardy (1989 TV Movie)
Sums up everything I hate about TV movies...
20 December 2014
This is a TV movie thriller masquerading as a ghost story, and it's as dim as it sounds. It encapsulates everything terrible about the American TV movie genre of the 1990s (although it narrowly missed that decade by a year): horrible scripting, a lack of decent characters, routine acting, and a storyline that thinks its something special when in actual fact it isn't.

THE HAUNTING OF SARAH HARDY attempts to build a decent Gothic atmosphere along the line of Du Maurier's REBECCA but attempts at building suspense are destined for failure. Instead, this becomes a piece of strictly routine hokum, with characters supposedly sent out of their wits by mysterious hauntings and spooky goings-on. The main issue I had was with the predictability of the storyline, which meant I knew exactly what was going on and guessed the twist well in advance. That makes for a very boring viewing experience.

There are no actors of note in the production, just the kind of faces that appear in this particular genre and never anything else. The lead, Sela Ward, would go on to appear in the horror remake of THE STEPFATHER some 20 years later, seemingly not having aged in the meantime, but given her lacklustre acting on show here you wonder how she ever had a career in the first place.
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