A surprising alien sub-genre horror.
20 December 2014
I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. Most alien films just show us crap, and deliver nothing. Nonetheless "Extraterrestrial" delivers and shows in a pleasing way.

First off the story of this flick. The story was straight forward. It cut right down to the point from start, to finish. In this case, the story was solid, tying together with the film, piecing together one, by one. The story, also, it quite clichéd; a pro, and con situation. A group of friends venture off into a cabin in the woods, and hell breaks loose, we've all seen it before, over, and over. But in the sense of this film, the clichéd mash actually follows out to the point of which we audience don't care anymore, or in this case, it follows through as entertaining. Which of course is nice. In conclusion, the story is a mash of clichés, at the same time it's solid, delivering a solid premise.

Next, the acting of the film, and how the characters execute. Once again, the film succeeds in the aspect of being entertaining as the characters, as well as the story plot are flawed, and clichéd. Here, you have your typical selection of horror movie characters that you've seen millions of times before. With that being said, there's not that much to explain. The acting of said characters was fine in my opinion. I felt some scenes were over acted at parts of the film. I also have to say, some of the characters lines were cheesy, and at points simply unnecessary. But other then that, the acting was solid, and simple for they're heavily clichéd character choices.

Finally the studio work of the movie; camera work, lighting, etc. I want to start out with the lighting. I really liked it. The movie decided to spice it up with various amounts of bright colors. Red's, greens, name it, the movie showed it. It was unique, and it was a pleasing surprise in terms of colors, and lights. Next, the cinematography. It was what it was. The movie did have some enjoyable shots, with some beautiful choices of select shots, and such. At the same time, there were some flawed shots, of which the camera had a crappy location, showing us little of what's going on. But over all solid. Finally, the sound / sound effects. I loved them, there were some awesomely legit choices of sound that were displayed. Instead of clichéd noises / sound effects heard over and over before; now we get actual noises unheard before. In conclusion, as well as the others, this element of the film works.

The film was a nice take on the Alien sub-genre of horror, giving us something to look forward to, from elements that build up the film, to visual effects that please surprisingly. For a highly clichéd story, it was carried out smoothly, and over all ended up as a pretty freaking awesome film. I recommend this to horror fans looking for a good time!
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