Rules of Engagement: Goodbye Dolly (2012)
Season 6, Episode 14
Brenda Is Back
28 December 2014
YAY!! The delightful Sara Rue is back as the Bingham's surrogate mother Brenda.

Plot In A Paragraph: After she accidentally breaks it, Audrey takes a neighbour's doll to the "doll hospital" to get it repaired, Jeff accompanies his child's surrogate mother Brenda on a date, to ensure she does not have sex. Russell gets lost in a New York City cab after dental surgery, and in an attempt to prove he is an edgy guy, Adam gets a tattoo.

I always enjoy the episodes with Sara Rue, I think she is brilliant, not just in this show, but her small stint on "Big Bang Theory" and "Two And A Half Men" too. She always delivers.
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