If It was just as good as the ending, this movie would be a Perfect 10.
30 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, This Japanese Gore Film is unsatisfying to watch. The only way I would watch this movie is if it was for the ending which even it has its problems.

The story is very complicated. There are these amateur filmmakers who want to make a film, this guy who is captured by the Yakuza whose boss wants to make a film for his daughter who was in Japanese ads when she was a kid, Some kind of truce between two mob bosses that gets broken, I have no clue what went on.

This movie for the first hour is extremely boring, unpleasant (Not in the gory way) and really needed a huge rewrite. All it is, is just boring, pointless and bad exposition and talking and violence that adds nothing until the whole movie finally gets in shape and remembers: "HEY! Wasn't There A Film we had to make?" I felt I was watching a Japanese soap opera instead of a gore picture!

The guy who gets captured by the Yakuza, Koji, guess how he finds his crew? He pukes on some written wishes. But the puke goes on for way too long which makes it unbelievable.

The only thing good was the ending. I thought this whole freaking movie was going to be an awesome bloody massacre movie. But no, the first hour and a half is just pointlessness and set up to the film they are going to make, then the last 35 minutes are amazing violence and death and it is one of the best action sequences I have seen in a very long time.

But the fact that they kill every important cast member except the selfish overly confident unlikable director feels like a huge middle finger to the audience. Also, he doesn't realize HE MADE A SNUFF FILM AND WILL RELEASE IT TO WIDE AUDIENCES ACROSS JAPAN!! This guy should be freaking put in a jail cell!

But the police show up and he escapes while they kill everyone! Then, they show him running down the streets, then show the premiere of the film where the clueless audience members applaud as the other cast members are fine and well and are all dandy. BUT OH NO WE CANT END ON THAT NOTE. Lets go back to the shot of him running with the freaking footage which the police are possibly going to hunt him down for and then, CUT! The director says. Yes. I have no freaking clue what was going on. This movie just gave up three quarters of the way through the whole entire ending.

This movie is just a headache to watch. All I asked for was great gory fun and the Trailer made it look amazing. But of course I was fooled and got sucked into a gun shot loud drama, then set up, then a almost perfect ending. If you really want to watch Japanese Bloody or Gory films, watch something like Battle Royale or any other movie that is better.

Its only worth it for the ending action scene. That's it.

41/100 D+
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