The Simpsons: A Streetcar Named Marge (1992)
Season 4, Episode 2
A Theatrical Marge!
1 January 2015
This is the second episode of the fourth season of the Simpsons and like many Season Four episodes, this is a landmark episode which explores the relationship behind the marriage of Homer and Marge. It was interesting to see Marge act in a play and even sing. I also loved the cultural references, mainly regarding Steve McQueen's The Great Escape and Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. The episode is funny, but it also has some emotional moments which is a testament to the superb writing.

In this episode, "A Streetcar Named Marge," Marge decides to act in a play, "A Streetcar Named Desire" in order to meet people and that has Ned Flanders in the starring role as Stanley. Marge gets increasingly angry at Homer's selfish attitude during preproduction. Meanwhile, Marge enlists Maggie at a local daycare center and when her pacifier is taken, Maggie creates a plan in order to get them back.

Overall, this is a fantastic episode. It has its fair share of humor and cultural references, but I never knew the episode would get emotional at certain points. It is certainly more layered than I anticipated. I rate this episode 9/10.
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