Review of Thesis

Thesis (1996)
Maddeningly Bad
3 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those films that has you wanting to yell at the characters on screen starting about 20 minutes in: "Go to the police! Why don't you go to the police?" They wade into some deep crap and have no reason NOT to go to the police, but hey! Why don't they just try to solve the big mystery of the snuff film and the missing girls by themselves (even though the have enough evidence to give to the police to have the thing wrapped up in probably a day)? Only ninety minutes in, after another death and more threats on their lives, do they even mention the possibility of maybe, you know, going to the police. Of course they never do, and seem completely idiotic for that. The actors are very good, especially Ana Torrent, Fele Martinez, Xabier Elorriaga, and Miguel Picazo, maybe too good for such a lame script. Ana Torrent especially seems far too intelligent to be acting as stupid as she (or her character) does for 121 minutes. I mean I get that horror films have characters doing stupid things, like NOT GOING TO THE POLICE when they should, but this one seems especially bad in that regard. It's not even particularly stylish which sometimes covers for bad script problems. The director would do far better in his later films.
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