Pink Daddy (1978)
Very cute
6 January 2015
Despite being very fond of The Pink Panther cartoons, they did become hit-and-miss from 1975 or so onwards. While nowhere near one of the classics Pink Daddy is one of the better 1978 cartoons, certainly much improved over the previous Cat and the Pinkstalk which personally is one of the weakest of the series.

What was good about Pink Daddy? It's very cute for starters, the alligator is an adorable character(also quite resourceful at times) and the charming and quite touching chemistry between it and Pinky was the best thing about the cartoon. Pinky is still cool and seeing him as a sympathetic father figure- like in Bobolink Pink- made him more likable, I also did feel very sorry for him at the end(felt just as sorry for the baby shark at the end too). Pink Daddy is also entertaining, more so than quite a lot of the 1978 output. The gags aren't hilarious as such but you still get a good chuckle out of them, the scene with Pinky and the alligator in the zoo being the highlight. The theme tune is still a justifiable classic.

Pink Daddy could have been better though. While it's far from the first Pink Panther cartoon to be like this, the cartoon did feel rushed in places, there could have been more time spent with a couple of the gags which resolved as quick as they started and there is a sense of too much cramming in. The more I hear the music in the 1978 onwards Pink Panther cartoons the less I like it, it was slinky and elegant before but at this point it was somewhat too upbeat and rather repetitive. And while the animation is better than it was in Cat and the Pinkstalk(which was animated promisingly at first and then went downhill once Pinky had gone up the beanstalk) the colours are rather over-saturated, the drawing lacks finesse and the backgrounds are sparse at times, before 1975 the Pink Panther cartoons' animation was elegantly minimal but at this point it was rather scrappy and limited.

Overall, cute and entertaining, with a lovely dynamic between Pinky and the alligator, but didn't really shake off the feeling of being rushed. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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