Wonderfully Bad Entertainment
7 January 2015
We've all sat thought a TV show or movie that was so bad it was good. Why we would have guilty admiration or even like them despite how badly their put together let alone content, it's hard to say. May'be it's because we sense the people who made it at least tried to make something good despite the end result, yet weirdly enough it actually turned out to be good in a not so good way.

This is one of my favorite comedies of all time but it's also one of my favorite parodies in the genre. This is the kinda show that the guys from "Mystery Science Theater 3000" would have a field day with. It's basically a parody on both Steven King novels, 80's TV shows, and badly made shows all wrapped into one which I'll admit makes a very tasty combination.

I just love how everything in this show is just so deliciously bad, which is why this parody works so well. From the premise which feels more like a mish mash of premises that don't really mesh well together, where it's a hospital drama, day and nighttime soaps, horror, action and cop show all at once; I'm not kidding. It's almost as if they creator that made this didn't know what in the hell he wanted the show to be which makes it all the more funny because literally the creator was more busy being creative than actually concerned with the content of his work (has he never heard of proofreading).

The whole show is pretty much a character of it's own because it was obviously done on a low or no budget. Production value is not on par, the acting is terrible, writing is bad, fight and shootout choreography is off (in some shootouts you don't even see them use blanks just the sound of gunfire that at times isn't even on sync with the characters pulling the trigger), the list goes on. Yet you really like this show because it really feels like they tried, if not very well.

One of my favorite episodes is "Scotish Fog" (I'm not kidding that's the title). To me this episode was a dream come true because it's a homage and parody to two of the films "The Fog" and "Halloween" from my favorite movie director John Carpenter.

Another is the Brochali episode where we see one of the worst one on one fights ever, it was just fraking hilarious as we see how badly choreographed it is, the cinematography in both the punches and kicks is angled wrong so you can easily see their not connecting. The sound effects aren't in cynic, let alone both actors Garth and Luchen both haven't trained you can easily see Luchen's kicks are pathetically too low as if both actors are only imitating what they saw in martial arts films. Then we see Dean come in a break up the fight which is hilarious because he is caring a 12 gauge with him which is just so random, why the heck is he even carrying one? The characters in the parody are great, I really like Garth whom is a Steven King like writer whom is obviously a total hack. Not just from creating, producing, directing, and acting in the show which was a big mistake on all fronts, but even his novels aren't very good (how their highly successful is beyond me).

I like how in each episode you hear him read off of one of his novels, the content is just so deliciously terrible you can tell he doesn't know how to generate suspense or each kill just seems to simply happen out of nowhere. And each of the stories he reads don't really correlate with the title of the book; I only have two conclusions to this: One, either he mistitled his stories after he wrote them. Two, as he was writing his story he had another idea in mind that overlapped what he was writing.

What I like about him is he's not an egotist the guy is just someone that despite not knowing entirely what in the hell he is doing, is a person that tries and really believes in what he does despite the end result; which to me makes him kinda a holy fool. And he is an imaginative person despite a flawed imagination but hey some imagination is better than none.

Though my favorite character is Dean Larner whom is Garth's publisher. He is just so fraking hilarious he just has some of the best lines and scenes. One scene that was great with him was probably the worst chase scene I've ever scene where he's chasing down a car by riding a bike as what looks like super speed, it cracks me up because you can clearly see behind him is obviously screen background and it's moving back too fast, let alone his character was meant to ride a motorcycle but they didn't have the money to rent one. I really like seeing him try to act which he can't he's merely just trying to imitate a police chief type from 70's cop shows.

And of course what he says in the interview segments which are also the best part of this parody. One great think he says is when he mentions how were living in dangerous times and that reading, the horror genre, and everything else is in decline. I thought what he said was funny because it's kinda true to how I feel about what's currently happening in the entertainment right now. How most companies are more concerned with making more money than the quality of their product whether it works or not.

Overall if your a fan of the parody genre and your looking for something different than "Garth Mareghi's Darkplace" is the best place to be.

Rating: 4 stars
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