Review of Bellerophon

State of Affairs: Bellerophon (2015)
Season 1, Episode 7
I'm one of these "wait and see" reviewers...
8 January 2015
I'm one of these "wait and see" reviewers especially for TV series have to wait and see at least for a few episodes if a show gets any better (or worst). We've seen both examples, many times.

So. In my original review for the whole series I bashed it with a 2/10 criticizing especially the main character and the whole production.

This 7th episode is a rather good one. I'm giving it an 8/10 and I can even say that this (good) episode of SOA was better than the last couple of episodes of Homeland, if you are willing to put them in the same category and compare them.

You also get to see some great views from Yemen, and a even a couple of funny moments like when Charleston meets her contact there.

Overall. I still don't like the main character and the production of the Heigls (mother and daughter) but it show signs that it is getting better.
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