Review of Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs (II) (1920)
By the Sea
10 January 2015
Hank Mann was one of those innumerable talented slapstick comedians who never developed a star personality -- at least not one that the audience would clamor to see. He took his chance around 1920 with a series of comedies for Arrow's states rights set-up, but despite his abilities at gag set-ups and executions, his cross-eyed lunk never clicked. He remained popular with his colleagues, though, and had sizable bits in CITY LIGHTS and MODERN TIMES. Likely he was one of the gagman that Chaplin hired and never credited.

In any case, in this one, he is a hot-dog vendor at a public beach. He runs out of hot dogs and wanders over to the amusement park to try to replenish his supplies. Good gags and Vernon Dent help make this one interesting.
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