Review of Rescue

Adventures of Superman: Rescue (1952)
Season 1, Episode 9
Another mini-40s B-movie
19 January 2015
This episode is a classic example of the way Superman was handled in that wonderful first season. The creators of Superman's first season never knew anything about television. They were weaned on 40s B- movies, so that's what they wrote. The show wasn't intended for children. TV Guide at the time listed it as "Adventure". Lois Lane is the crack, reckless hard-nosed reporter she was supposed to be at that time. This one is her story. Superman shows up only at the end. (I sure hope nobody regards that as a "spoiler". That's pretty much the way every episode ends.)

Oh, the show has a few "cutesy" bits to keep Clark Kent from knowing what's going on. And sometimes the $3.50 budget shows. But the plot is generally uncompromising and believable. The location scenes (which could have been done on a back lot) for the Pennsylvania coal mine are believable and consistent for the time. The only word to describe it is "gritty". Which is exactly what the writers intended.
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