Raja Rani (2013)
Good film for those who have had love failure, excellent performances by Nayantara and Nazriya
21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Raja Rani is a Tamil romantic drama starring Nayantara, Nazriya Nazim, Arya and Jai.

The film is about John (Arya) and Regina (Nayantara) who get married unwillingly to please their parents. Their married life is miserable and they don't even talk to each other. Every day, John comes home late and completely drunk. He creates a ruckus in the apartment and resumes watching TV with increasing volume to fade out the noise of Regina who cries every night next to him in bed. One night, Regina starts having a seizure next to John. John is drunk but eventually realizes that she is ill and calls an ambulance. In the hospital, John asks Regina if this has happened before. Regina says yes and starts telling him the story of her and Surya.

We then proceed into a series of flashbacks and current events. The first half of the film show us the love failure of Regina. The second half shows the love failure of John. Having gone through similar things, will Regina and John learn to move on and love each other?

I loved the first half of Raja Rani. The film starts out with the lines "There is life after love failure. There is love after love failure." I loved one of the earliest scenes in the film, when John and Regina are about to marry in the church. First the father asks John who first looks back at his friend and then hesitantly agrees to take Regina as his wife. When it's Regina's turn, she too turns back to her father first and then accidentally says "Surya" instead of John. She realizes her mistake, pauses. John suddenly smiles assuming that the wedding will now be off. Regina returns a few moments later and takes him as her husband, much to the surprise of John.

Raja Rani brought together two of the most talented actresses in the South today. Both Nayantara and Nazriya are great actresses and very beautiful and charming. It's unfortunate that the actors in the cast did not match their caliber. I have not seen any other films of Arya and Jai but of what I have seen of them in Raja Rani, they're only average in the acting department. They did okay but Nayantara and Nazirya definitely took the spotlight throughout the film. Both actresses were wonderful. Next to Nayantara, Arya fell a little short in emoting. As for Jai, I could not get past his awful voice which sounded like someone was grinding stones. I wish they had someone dub for him because I did not mind his performance otherwise. It's a whole different story how they made his character cry at the drop of a hat though. I hadn't seen a man cry so much in a film before.

As entertaining as Raja Rani was in the first half, the film seemed to drag on in the second half. The friction between John and Regina went on for too long and the ending was unsatisfying. I was expecting a more emotional and thorough ending. I was also a little annoyed with a repetitive dialogue in the film. It was something along the lines of "If our loved ones leave our world, it's not the end of the world. Someday, according to our wishes, our life will change." It was nice in the beginning. I really liked it when I first heard it but then it got repeated again and again by different characters. It was just overdone. Aside from this, the dialogues in the film were impressive and entertaining. There were lots of great comedy punches and very emotional romantic lines.

I was also very impressed with the cinematography and post- production work in a few scenes. There are a few mirror scenes in the film where John and Regina are getting ready in front of the mirror. In reality, they are doing one thing, but in their mind, they are doing something else which is shown in the mirror. So basically, they took two scenes and placed one into mirror. It was very nicely done.

I recommend the film for the interesting story line, great comedy especially by the most talented Santhanam and the wonderful performances of two South queens. If you've had love failure (who hasn't?!), you'll definitely enjoy this film. The film aims to teach a different way of thinking for people who have had love failure to continue their lives in a happy and constructive way.

I'll leave you with my favorite dialogue from the film, delivered by Santhanam to Arya: "John, if you think there is no life after losing your love… no one would be alive after 25 years."
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