Intriguing and Captivating
15 January 2015
I originally watched Immediately Afterlife because it starred Troian Bellisario and Shay Mitchell, two of my favorite actresses. But after watching the movie, I would say that the reason I thoroughly enjoyed it was not just due to their wonderful acting, but also because this movie made me introspect as well as wonder about the world and the real meaning of religion. I watched it without knowing what it was going to be about, and I think this helped me connect more openly with Marissa and Bennett because they did now know the whole truth of what was going on. The whole film deals wonderfully and respectfully with a sensitive topic while also providing an astute criticism of religious practices. Troian and Shay act flawlessly, providing a believable characterization that captures you in its mystery and delusion. The way the movie plays out the characters of Bennett and Marissa as two opposing personalities provides a contrast of blind devotion and curious skepticism. I found this short film so incredibly insightful that I am still thinking about it and its meaning. The artful opening makes you think and contemplate, and the ending truly shows how disastrous "devout" practices like religious wars and cult suicides can be. This is a movie that makes you feel, that makes you think. It makes you stop and go, Oh, I may not have it right after all. If you're looking for a deep and insightful movie that makes you think about the world, then I highly recommend Immediately Afterlife.
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