Scandal: One for the Dog (2013)
Season 2, Episode 10
Scandal - One for the Dog
22 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just when it appears that all hope is lost, Scandal pops up some whoppers. So the First Lady forges Fitz' signature on a reinstatement letter, but Sally just loves that Oval Office and its entitlement. She wants to hold onto it as long as possible. Seeing Sally sent back down will be such a great pleasure I can't wait to revel in. Huck is tortured and waterboarded inside the Pentagon by ruthless thugs working under the Patriot Act (basically this episode considers the Patriot Act an excuse to abuse those interrogated for information that may not even exist) in the hopes of getting him to confess to shooting the President. He withstands all they can dish out, but it would have only been a matter of time before he perished considering the amount of abuse he was going through. Cy and Olivia try to hold off the sharks thanks to the First Lady's decision to forge Fitz' handwriting, but most inside their world consider it a farce, but they just can't prove it. Olivia and Edison are pretty much through after a nasty exchange regarding the possibility of Olivia, Cy, and Mellie suffering a hearing which would prosecute them for fraudulently declaring Fitz well even though he was still unconscious. Edison wants to talk with Fitz, but Olivia won't budge and let him. Hollis is tied to Becky and the assassination of the President. Seeing Hollis get his will also be a great pleasure; Gregg Henry is ace as a real snake in the grass who will use violence if it means he'll get his way. Well, the show seems to be building towards him being investigated. Rosen and James go through these periods of hot and cold regarding the Voting Machine scandal in Ohio, while Cy wonders how long he can hold off his husband from pursuing the story. James holding the baby could very well end that pursuit. Rosen is sickened by the torture and when he delivers the Acting President's written order to stop so that Huck could find Becky, it is a satisfying bravura moment for the Assistant District Atty of this United States. Olivia is about to spill the beans on Hollis to Quinn when she receives a call; Cy also receives a call when he is about to go pick up the baby with James. That call…Fitz wakes up! Things are about to heat up and a few feathers will be either ruffled or plucked, and Fitz might just awaken with a vengeance. Can Becky be tied to Hollis or will he find a way to slither out of his call on killing Fitz. Sally's smugness regarding understanding Mellie's forgery will be fun to see irradiated once confronted by an awakened Fitz. Huck returning to the team battered but in one piece certainly is gratifying considering what he endured over a three-episode story arc. The soap opera aspects are here: adultery, love triangle, betrayals, impulsive actions, and secrets yet revealed. The show sure knows how to leave the viewer wanting more.
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