Everly (2014)
Does Salma get naked? Yes! Is the movie good? No!
23 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really did not like this. It's a definite shoot 'em up movie, with Salma Hayek in the lead. However, the storyline seemed a bit nonsensical to me. They have a $50,000 bounty on her head, and about every prostitute in the building went to collect. They were stupidly written. Not a single realistic character existed in the entire film. Well, no, that's not true. The little girl was probably the most realistic out of anyone. I think the prostitutes had more guns than Tyco's men.

Hayek's character was certainly talented and lucky enough at the beginning of the film to stand with a gun in a room with 5 or 6 armed men. She shot them all, but only got shot once herself. It was silly and very, very cliché'. I understand you have to suspend belief when you go to see most movies. Nevertheless, this one forced you suspend pretty much all sense of reasoning.

There is nudity. In fact, the very first scene has Salma Hayek stagger into a bathroom completely nude. All you see, however, is her butt.

The badguy is a stereotypical chief villain. You hear his voice throughout the movie, but he doesn't make an appearance until the end. Then, it's fight on. Good vs. evil. Light vs. dark. She's exhausted from fighting several baddies. He's full of energy, not having done anything in the movie but talk. It's a good thing she took that extra dose of Girl Power in order to kick his butt.

I gave this movie a 4-star rating. I considered giving it less, but the kills were interesting...I guess. And a movie where Salma is going to give it her all and get naked deserves a little mercy in the ratings category. I do not recommend, but to those who like silly plots like Sin City and such might appreciate this. I certainly didn't.
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