Review of Precious

Law & Order: Precious (1994)
Season 5, Episode 7
Sympathy Junkie
26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
At first Jerry Orbach and Chris Noth are investigating a reported kidnapping of a baby by the father Kevin O'Rourke. When his story doesn't add up Briscoe and Logan are soon getting a different story of how he buried his infant whom he says died of crib death.

O'Rourke is a beaten and shattered man who is shielding his wife from the law. He's got good reason to shield Julie Boyd from the law, two other of their infants died similarly in different jurisdictions.

Boyd is described as a 'sympathy junkie'. It's a special kind of narcissism where she gets to be the center of attention through the death of her infant children. She smothers them to gain such sympathy and O'Rourke just won't confront the possibility either to the world or worse to himself.

As for Sam Waterston he's frustrated by the fact the judge rules that the prior deaths can't be introduced. How it all turns out is for you to watch the episode.

I will say Boyd is one frightening human being and she gives a great performance.
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