Interesting Reader's Digest quick summary version with gamer music to appeal to the A.D.D. generation
29 January 2015
Interesting summary of the history of mankind and worth watching if you don't mind the annoying electronic or techno music with drums at time to gamer type music catered to that generation that might rather be gaming. Even the characters are introduced as if they are characters in some video game with quick cuts and God that background music gets old. Perhaps it's to keep one awake for the boring and monotonous sounding narrator. Overall it is "fun" to watch" but one does get the feeling it's for a juvenile crowd from the simplicity to the rhetoric and the the way a that this is shot. Funny how they decided to show the buildings that seem to build themselves to show how some of these great wonders were built using CJI to reconstruct them. Interesting take but again a bit annoying with that background score. Have I reached a thousand words yet to get my thought across? Anyway worth a watch if you do love history but do wish they would elaborate a bit more. A for effort on behalf of the producers and directors though.
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