Torment (2008 Video)
Coulrophobia (The Fear of Clowns) Does not apply here.
29 January 2015
Suzie Lorraine plays Lauren and Tom Stedham plays Ray a couple that have rented a holiday house in the country. Lauren has had a breakdown and Sam appears to be an alcoholic. They are trying to rebuild their marriage after a bit of a rocky time. It is not long before Lauren starts to see a clown lurking in the garden or at the window, but of course no one believes a mad woman would they?

This film is directed by Steve Sessions. Four years before this he made Dead clowns, so maybe clowns is a personal fear for him. I have not seen that film so cannot comment as to how this compares.

If you have a fear of clowns then I would not worry as the clown here is not that scary. I found this film to be quite a struggle to sit through as nothing really happens and when it does it is not that interesting. The concept could have been quite scary (clown captures people and tortures them) but when people are tortured and all they can do is let out a gentle moan or have a hand cut off and not make a single sound, then this lacks some credibility.

At the end of the movie it states that this was shot in six days, which, when you think of it, could it have been any better?
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