Are the Swedish bored and boring?
30 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A beautiful film. Nice to watch on a Friday night. In addition, I wonder, are the Swedish bored and boring? Perhaps this is the question or message the film delivers, besides its beauty, either intentionally or unintentionally?

Going through the film, it seems Mia stills loves Vincent, through her memory, her tone, her caring of and compliance with Vincent and her decision to go to France. She got 2 children in 10 years. But where is her husband? Perhaps divorced? But anyhow, I don't see it at all that Mia loves her children's father.

In Sweden, the most you can meet and have is rules. As long as you obey the rules, you get a job, a standard living and all the social benefits. Almost everyone is the same. People don't dare to break the rules, otherwise everything will suddenly become so expensive. Or perhaps people just don't think any more. When one stops thinking, one stops feeling. When one doesn't feel, one doesn't love. One thus becomes bored and boring. Yes, people don't need to struggle that much to have a standard life. So, people are nice to each other. So, everyone is nice, bored and boring. Couples are nice to each other, able to live together and to have and bring up kids. But there is seldom love with passion, like flame, like the love Mia is having towards Vincent.

Perhaps Sweden needs more Vincent's to end her people's boredom, to remind her people of emotion, passion and love? Of course, such people don't need to be criminals, as long as the society is a bit more tolerant towards creativity.

Are the Swedish bored and boring? Perhaps this is the question or message the film delivers, either intentionally or unintentionally.
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