1st & Ten: The Sins of the Quarterback (1985)
Season 1, Episode 8
Infidelity, Paternity & Fraternity
4 February 2015
California Bulls starting quarterback Bob Dorsey (Geoffrey Scott) gets knocked out of a game vs the Boston Bears late in the fourth quarter. His back-up, pious Mormon rookie Bryce Smith (Jeff East) moves up on the depth chart until banged up old vet Dorsey can mend.

Smith's abilities as a deep passer immediately prove him to be a capable substitute for Dorsey. But Smith doesn't have the balance between life on the field and off it that Dorsey does. Coerced into a celebratory boozing by team-mates Smith is seduced by cheerleader Tammy(Playboy's Miss April 1978) Pamela Jean Bryant) whom he promptly impregnates.

Injured or healthy, drunk or sober, Dorsey indulges his passions without it effecting what he does on a football field in even the most critical of games. His flings are meaningless, inconsequential (usually) and very easy to forget. His rookie back-up won't even use swear words and has moral absolutist view of the world.

Guilt-ridden over the tryst and heart-broken at the consequential end to his marriage Smith announces his retirement and prepares to leave California for Tibet on spiritual sabbatical.

With Dorsey physically unable to perform the Bulls will have to turn to their inept third-string pivot who can't even field the snap.

Bulls owner Diane Barrow (Delta Burke), with her team at 7-4 and not wanting to waste a chance at a Wildcard playoff game looks to smooth things over by meeting with Mrs.Smith (Cathy Silvers) woman to woman to devise a rapprochement.

When this series went into syndication laugh track was added and even with racier story-lines the nudity seen in so many episodes was edited out as was the profanity and anything else that made it an edgy cable show.

I found the laugh track unnecessary but I guess they wanted the show to have everything a network sitcom had in offering it up to TV stations in syndication.
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