Fire Cheese (1941)
The funniest Gabby cartoon and ties with King for a Day as the best one as well
7 February 2015
As a non-fan of the Gabby cartoons or the character that is saying a fair bit. The reason why Fire Cheese and King for a Day rank at the top of the 8 Gabby cartoons(with Two for the Zoo for me being the worst of the 8) is because King for a Day saw Gabby at his most tolerable and came the closest the series gets to maintaining the spirit of 1939's Gulliver's Travels while Fire Cheese was actually legitimately funny, the funniest most of the Gabby cartoons get is mildly amusing.

Fire Cheese isn't a brilliant cartoon, it has very bland supporting characters that don't do an awful lot, the dialogue is not very memorable and the story is very slight and a tad rushed at times, though noticeably one of the least contrived of the Gabby cartoons(Two for the Zoo is the most contrived from personal opinion). If you are familiar with a Gabby cartoons, what happens and how it ends won't be too much of a surprise. Gabby is certainly more tolerable than he is in Gabby Goes Fishing and especially Two for the Zoo(where he actually resorted to abuse on one of the characters), here he actually has good intentions and is not quite as unapologetic(apart from at the end), but my opinion that he is often annoying for the audience and for the characters and an arrogant know-it-all jerk who thinks he knows all but is one of animation's most inept characters has not changed all that much.

But it's a good one, with great animation and even better music. The animation looks so smooth with picturesque story-book-like backgrounds and beautiful, mellow colours. The music is lively and richly and vibrantly orchestrated, the It's a Hap-Hap-Happy title theme is as catchy and rousing as ever and you do have to love the use of Suppe's Light and Cavalry and Nicolai's Merry Wives of Windsor overtures, it's always fun to spot pre-existing tunes. As aforementioned, Fire Cheese is also the funniest Gabby cartoon, the standouts being Gabby breaking into the house and watering the plant and putting the log on the fire, a brief gag but one of the funniest gags of any Gabby cartoon, and the ending. The rest of the gags are not quite as funny but again they're funnier and better-timed than most of the Gabby cartoons. Most of the pacing apart the odd rushed part is solid and what there is of the voice acting is good.

All in all, Gabby's funniest and one of his best too along with King for a Day. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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