Fort Bliss (2014)
You Can't Handle the Truth
9 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A wonderful but heartbreaking little gem, with Michelle Monaghan turning in a world-class performance not unlike Emily Blunt's in Edge of Tomorrow. God, can she be tough, especially in the scenes where she goes toe to toe with fellow soldiers--not all of whom are, shall we say, evolved. Speaking of evolved, the scenes of development between her and her son are first-rate, and the kid is remarkable (unless, like Shirley Temple, the director told him his puppy had just died before his big scenes.) From my own experience with the new and improved all-volunteer army as well as with the Vietnam era Big Green Machine, I think the writer-director absolutely nailed the catch-22 world in which the troops find themselves. Torn between loyalty to family and duty, the insatiable demands of a too-small force with too many endless missions, and everybody, from the beleaguered O-3 who has lost his own family to the squad leader E-5 who sees only his own selfish need, without a clue to the dueling pressures upon his platoon sergeant.

This movie, little as it is, forces us to really see the consequences of what we blithely demand of those few poor enough, idealistic enough, or loyal enough to sign up for what turns out not to be the gateway to a better life but rather an endless treadmill that grinds them and their loved ones up while the rest of us sit back here with our stupid yellow ribbon car magnets and "thank them for their service." This movie should be required viewing in Congress and the White House.
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