Adventures of Superman: Tomb of Zaharan (1957)
Season 5, Episode 4
Another One of the Duller Episodes
12 February 2015
A couple of foreign potentates from some ancient mid-eastern culture are due in Metropolis. Lois and Jimmy are dispatched to interview them. She is given an ancient scarab to wear. While they wait for the arrival, a couple of guys in red fezzes grab the scarab and try to get away. Fortunately, Clark/Superman is on the scene, foils the robbery, and has the guys tossed in jail. The two guys now show up and Lois and Jimmy get their interview. They also get invited to the city where these guys come from. They have an ulterior motive, however. They are going to bring Lois back because legend says that whoever is wearing that scarab is the princess. It's that old mummy thing where someone is about to be reincarnated. So they kidnap Jimmy and Lois and lock them up in a throne room and wait for some gas to send Lois from this life to the next. Jimmy is simply expendable. The problem, as usual, is that Superman must find them which is no small task. I do have one question. That scarab was borrowed from a private collection and was worth a great deal. Why didn't she just give it back to Perry White before she went on the junket. Quite a few plot holes and not a very interesting script.
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