How can I give this a negative 9?
11 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I never, ever write reviews, but this was a train wreck of acting, storyline, (what story line ...?) execution, delivery, I can't even find the words to explain what I just watched. There was no sense of a plausible story behind this. Why did one woman become the obsessive desire of two monsters and on the same night no less! And why did she go from complete disgust to undying love towards her one night stand? What dredges did the creators of this "movie" drag it up from? Someone apparently owed someone a big favor. I can't imagine someone actually thought was presentable for viewing to the public. You can't even make a drinking game out of this! It is non-redeemable and utter crap and a waste of my good time that I can never get back, do not waste your time on this.
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