"The Nerds Are Back & They're Bad!"
15 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Carradine, Curtis Armstrong, Timothy Busfield, Larry B. Scott, Courteney Thorne-Smith, Donald Gibb, Bradley Whitford and Anthony Edwards star in this 1987 comedy sequel. This entry has nerds, Lewis (Carradine), Booger (Armstrong), Poindexter (Busfield) and Lamar (Scott) traveling to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for a convention to represent Adams College fraternity, Lambda Lambda Lambda. Whitford (Billy Madison) plays Roger, the Chapter President of the Alpha Beta fraternity who tries to get them expelled by framing them, but underestimates them when they decide to fight back. Smith (Summer School) plays Sunny, a hotel clerk who finds romance with Lewis, Gibb (Bloodsport) returns as Alpha Beta member, Ogre who eventually joins the Nerds and Edwards (Top Gun) also returns briefly as Lewis' pal, Gilbert. I grew up watching this sequel and always enjoyed it almost as much as the original. The cast is great and I recommend this.
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