Screen Two: The Vision (1987)
Season 4, Episode 1
Where is the DVD of 'The Vision' ?
17 February 2015
When Oh!When are the lazy minded , insular BBC going to release this interesting International star cast movie on DVD? The stupid Corporation spends it's time promoting mindless garbage like Eastenders when this rare quality gem languishes in a vault. I haven't seen it since 1988! Get a move on BBC and stop being a channel for Hooligans and stupid Yobs and release this quality product 'The Vision'- Screen Two 1988 on DVD.License payers money is not only wasted on the hours of sport and garbage can Eastenders low life rubbish but with holding programes viewers are willing to pay extra for on DVD is downright cruelty.Will the BBC please start listening to viewers who want intelligent programes ?
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