Locke (2013)
It's all about the acting
17 February 2015
This movie is formed by the excellent Tom Hardy performance. It's that good. I would put it up there with Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mocking Bird, and Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs. Okay, now I think you understand how good I think Hardy does. The movie seems boring from a simple summary. "It's about a guy taking phone calls in his car for almost 90 minutes". That sounds boring, but it's not. It's actually the most suspenseful movie of the year. (2014, it came out in the US in 2014). Sounds impossible, but writer/director Steven Knight does amazing with a tiny budget. You also get to know, not only Hardy's character, but the people he's talking to on the phone as well. They truly seem like real people. The situation they create is also very creative and interesting. I won't say what it is, but I don't think it's a spoiler. I'll just say it makes you wonder what you'd do in the given situation. It's the best British film I've seen since Trainspotting, and definitely deserves one, if not more, viewings.
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