Hawaa Hawaai (2014)
S*itload of Emotional Bullcrap
18 February 2015
Really?? Are Indians that dumb? This director is manipulating emotions, creating god-like characters with no trace of human evil and tell me, which father watches his son study from a school window? and the director replaced his father with a skating teacher-give me a break.

Seems like making audience feel sorry about being able to live a normal life is a way to go in Indian movies. The portrayal of slums was exaggerated and needless. The director was trying to trade tears for his movie but in the end it turned out to be a hyper-emotional, non realistic story that will only appeal to you if you mind as weak as a rice glue.

The performances were ordinary with the leads(I guess were instructed by director) only trying to make us feel sad about the state they're in. What is the world they are living in? In my world, some good things happen and some bad but apparently in their world all bad things happen to nice people until a silver lining and everything goes Okay.. You know what? F*ck this.. I'd sue the director if I could for emotional manipulation....
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