Review of Stranded

Stranded (2006 TV Movie)
Should have been listed as a comedy
21 February 2015
The plot could have been interesting--even suspenseful--if the script had been better and it had been executed by a cast that could actually act.

As is, the movie is so cheesy and the acting so atrocious that you cannot help but watch just to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it. Of course, there is also "eye-candy" to distract people from how utterly and horribly insipid the movie is as a whole.

I actually find it shocking that any of the cast managed to make acting their career. Hopefully, they took some acting lessons along the way.

I will say that the location/setting was quite lovely. In the hands of a more capable screenwriter and far better actors, the premise of this movie would make a good film worthy of the term "suspense."
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