Good indie dark comedy
21 February 2015
Story:A+ | Acting:C- | Cinematography:A+ | Editing:B- | Music:A

I saw it on the big screen in Houston a couple of years back. The plot is great - lots of twists and turns. Someone should definitely make a remake with more budget and better-known actors. I read this was shot with less than $ 100K in 28 days.

If you liked The Trouble with Harry (Hitchcock) or Fargo (Cohen), you'll probably enjoy this. It's basically a tongue-in-cheek dark comedy. It's not always clear how seriously we're expected to take the characters since they're basically all offbeat neurotics. Some of it's a little sketchy, some of it is excellent - so in the end it felt both refreshing and imperfect, like good indie films often do.
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